BWYD O'R MÔR                                                FOOD FROM THE SEA

Arferai trigolion Pen Llŷn fanteisio ar yr hyn oedd gan y môr i'w gynnig iddynt yn fwyd. Dyma rhai o'u hoff fwydydd a'r ffordd yr oeddynt yn eu dal neu'u casglu a'u darparu.

The people of Llŷn took advantage of all that the sea had to offer them as food. Here are some of their favourite foods together with the way it was caught or collected and prepared.




Maent i’w cael ar gerrig pan mae’r môr allan.


Gadael iddynt sefyll dros nos mewn dŵr a halen.

Eu rhoi mewn gogor a’u golchi’n lan.

Yna eu rhoi mewn dŵr berwedig a’u berwi’n gyflym am 5 munud.

Tynnu’r cig allan o’r gragen gan ddefnyddio nodwydd ddur gan forol peidio â chynnwys y llygad.


Ffrio’r cig mewn lard am tua 5 munud.

Torri wy drostynt tra maent yn ffrio yn y badell.

Eu bwyta gyda phupur, halen a finegr.





They can be collected from rocks at low water.


Leave to stand overnight in salted water.

Place in a sieve and wash until clean.

Place in boiling water and boil rapidly for 5 minutes.

Remove meat from shell with a needle, ensure that the eye (operculum) is not included.


Fry meat in lard for 5 minutes.

Break egg over meat whilst frying if desired.

Season with salt and pepper and add vinegar before eating.




Maent i’w cael ar gerrig pan mae’r môr allan. Maent wedi glynud yn dyn yn y graig ac mae’n rhaid eu taro i ffwrdd gyda charreg neu forthwyl.


Gadael iddynt sefyll dros nos mewn dŵr a halen.

Eu rhoi mewn gogor a’u golchi’n lan.


Eu berwi yn sydyn mewn dŵr berwedig am ychydig dros 5 munud.

Cregyn llygad myharen / Limpets




They can be collected off rocks at low water.

They adhere strongly to rocks and must be knocked off with a stone or hammer.


Leave to stand overnight in salted water.

Place in a sieve and wash until clean.


Place in boiling water and boil rapidly for 5 minutes.



Mae’r môr gyllill i’w cael ar drai mawr ar draethau tywod fel Tŷ’n Tywyn, sydd rhwng Llanbedrog ac Abersoch. Gellid eu dal drwy balu â rhaw ond mae’n hawdd eu torri wrth ddefnyddio rhaw.

Gellir eu dal â llaw a dyma’r ffordd orau i’w dal er mwyn eu bwyta. Lle mae môr gyllell gwelir pant bach crwn tua 25mm o led â thwll bach hirgrwn yn ei ganol. Caiff y fôr gyllell aer trwy’r twll bach hwn. Rhaid nesau at y twll yn ofalus. Os bydd y fôr gyllell yn synhwyro bod rhywyn yn dod bydd yn chwythu dŵr trwy’r twll ac yn diflanu’n gyflym i lawr trwy’r tywod nes mynd allan o gyrraedd.


Wedi cael hyd i fôr gyllell mae’n rhaid ei dal drwy wthio bys i lawr drwy’r tywod tua 75mm oddi wrth y twll. Gellir teimlo y fôr gyllell ac mae’n rhaid ei gwthio i’r ochr yn erbyn y tywod efo’r bys tra’n turrio wrh ei hochr efo’r llaw arall. Os gwneir hyn yn rhy araf, bydd y pysgodyn yn mynd i lawr yn gyflym drwy’r tywod a gadael dim ond cragen wag ar ei ôl.

Fe all y casglwr fod yn anlwcus a gwthio ei fys yn erbyn ochr finiog y fôr gyllell. Pan fo hyn yn digwydd bydd yn agor ei fys a darganfod pam y gelwid y pysgod cregyn hyn yn fôr gyllill.

Darperir môr gyllill drwy eu golchi amryw o weithiau.

Eu rhoi mewn desgil enamel a thollti dŵr berwedig arnynt.

Eu codi o’r dŵr wedi i’r cregyn agor.

Tynnu’r pysgod o’r cregyn.

Tynnu’r perfedd o ganol y pysgodyn.

Torri’r pysgodyn ar ei draws yn ddarnau tua 6mm o hyd.

Rhoi’r darnau cig mewn gogor a rhedeg dŵr oer o’r tap drostynt.


Eu ffrio mewn lard am ychydig a rhoi pupur a halen arnynt tra maent yn ffrio.

Torri wy arnynt.





Razor fish can be caught during spring low water tides on sandy beaches such as Tŷ’n Tywyn, which is between Llanbedrog and Abersoch. They may be dug with a spade but this leads to damaged shells and sandy meat.

They may also be caught by hand and this is the best method if the fish are to be eaten. Where there is a razor fish in the sand, a small hollow about 25mm wide with an oval hole in the middle is seen. The razor fish breathes through this hole. The hole must be approached carefully. If the razor fish detects movement it expels water through the hole and rapidly disappears out of reach into the sand.


After finding a razor fish, it must be caught by pushing a finger down through the sand about 75mm away from the hole and at an angle to it. The razor fish may be felt and it must be pushed sideways with the finger against the sand while digging away at the sand on its opposite side with the other hand. If this is done slowly, the fish will disappear quickly through the sand leaving behind nothing but its shell.

The gatherer may be unlucky enough to press his finger against the sharp edge of the razor shell. When this happens, the gatherer ends up with a cut finger and an appreciation of why razor fish are so named.

Razor fish are prepared by washing several times.

Place in an enamel basin and pour boiling water onto them.

When shells have opened – remove from water.

Remove fish from shell.

Remove gut from middle of fish.

Cut fish into pieces about 6mm long.

Place pieces of meat into sieve and hold under cold running water.


Fry in lard for a short time – add salt and pepper whilst frying.

Break egg over them and continue frying until egg is cooked.




Gellir dal llymrïaid wrth balu â rhaw yn y tywod. Roedd eraill yn eu dal wrth dynnu cryman drwy’r tywod. Maent i’w cael ar drai mawr yn ystod y nos ym mis Mai. Ers talwm cerddai’r bobl i lawr y llwybrau o bentrefi gwledig fel Mynytho i draeth Tŷ’n Tywyn i ddal llymrïaid. Llwybr Llymrïaid yw enw’r llwybr sy’n rhedeg uwchben y chwareli o draeth Llanbedrog i draeth Tŷ’n Tywyn. Byddent yn rhoi edau trwy bennau’r llymrïaid a’u hongian i gochi yn yr hen simdde fawr er mwyn eu cadw at y gaeaf.

Llymrïaid wedi’u ffrio.


Eu golchi’n lan i gael gwared o’r tywod.

Pinsio’u pennau i ffwrdd hefo bys a bawd.


Eu ffrio mewn lard am ychydig.

Torri wy drostynt pe dymunir.


Dal llymriaid / Catching sandeels


Llymriaid / Sandeels


Ffrio'r llymriaid / Frying sandeels





Sandeels may be collected by digging in the sand with a spade. Others caught them by dragging a sickle through the sand. They may be caught on the night ebb of spring tides during May. In the old days people walked down to Tŷ’n Tywyn from inland villages such as Mynytho. The path that lies above the quarries and which runs from Llanbedrog to Tŷ’n Tywyn is known in Welsh as "Sandeel Path." Thread was passed through the sandeels’ heads to enable them be hung and smoked in the old chimneys thereby preserving them for winter.

Fried Sandeels


Wash well to remove sand.

Remove heads by pinching between thumb and forefinger.


Fry for a short time in lard.

Break an egg over them if desired.



Penog Picil


Gildio, sef tynnu, pen y penog i ffwrdd efo bys a bawd ac fe ddaw y perfedd allan i’w ganlyn.

Rhedeg cyllell ar hyd y naill ochr er mwyn tynnu’r gemau oddi ar y croen.

Golchi’r pennog yn lan a’i sychu efo cadach sych.

Rhoi y penwaig mewn tun rhostio gyda finegr piclo neu finegr cyffredin a sbeis piclo cymysg mewn bag.

Rhoi pupur a halen drostynt.

Torri nionod a’u rhoi yn y tun yn ogystal â deilen y cwrw.

Eu rhoi i goginio mewn popty araf am tua 2 awr.

Bydd y penwaig yn barod pan fo’r esgyrn wedi mynd yn frau a’r finegr diflannu o’r tun.


Penog, tatws trwy’u crwyn a phicil bresych coch


Gildio, sef tynnu pen y penog i ffwrdd efo bys a bawd ac fe ddaw’r perfedd allan i’w ganlyn. Glanhau’r gemau oddi ar y penog a’i olchi.


Ffrio’r penog mewn lard gyda nionod gan rhoi gaead ar y badell.

Berwi’r tatws yn eu crwyn mewn sosban.

Bwyta’r penog gyda’r tatws trwy’u crwyn a phicil bresych coch.


Bloater a thatws trwy’u crwyn

Bloater yw penog wedi ei halltu a’i gochi. Mae ei berfedd wedi’i dynnu allan ond nid yw wedi’i agor ac mae ei ben wedi’i adael arno.

 Rhoddir y bloater i’w goginio yn y sosban ar ben y tatws trwy’u crwyn.




Pickled Herring


Remove head from herring with thumb and forefinger. The intestines come away with the head.

Run a knife along either side in order to remove the scales.

Wash herring well and dry with a dry cloth.

Place herring in a roasting tin with pickling vinegar or ordinary vinegar together with some pickling spice in a bag.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Chop an onion and place in tin, add some bay leaves.

Cook in a slow oven for about 2 hours.

The herring are cooked when the bones are brittle and the vinegar has evaporated from the roasting tin.


Herring, potatoes in their jackets and pickled red cabbage


Remove head from herring with thumb and forefinger.

Remove the scales and wash herring well, dry with a dry cloth.


Fry herring together with some chopped onions in lard, place lid on frying pan.

Boil potatoes in their jackets in a saucepan of salted water.

The herring are eaten together with the potatoes in their jackets and pickled red cabbage.

Bloater and potatoes in their jackets

A bloater is a herring that has been salted and smoked. The fish is left whole and the intestines removed.

The bloater is boiled in the pan on top of the potatoes in their jackets.





Rhoi dŵr berwedig mewn dysgl enamel. hoi adenydd y gath fôr i sefyll ynddi am ddeng munud. Yna codi’r adenydd allan a’u blingo gan gynnwys yr ewinedd. Rhoi’r adenydd mewn dŵr berwedig eto os yw’r ewinedd yn cau dod yn rhydd. Wedi blingo’r croen a’r ewinedd, sychu’r adenydd, rhoi pupur a halen arnynt a’u gadael dros nos.


Eu ffrio mewn lard drannoeth.





Pour boiling water into an enamel bowl. Stand ray wings in the bowl for 10 minutes. Remove wings and removing skin including thorns. Place in more boiling water if thorns cannot be removed. After removing skin and thorns, dry wings and season with salt and pepper. Leave overnight.


Fry in lard the next day.



Mecryll wedi’u sych ar y to

Agor y mecryll drwy’u cefnau. Eu rhoi a’u crwyn i lawr yn yr haul ar do llechi. Rhoi ychydig a halen arnynt a’u gadael ar y to am tua awr mewn haul cryf. Yna eu ffrio. Does ond angen eu ffrio am hanner yr amser arferol.




Mackerel dried on a roof

Slit mackerel along back. Open and place skin side down on a slate roof. Season with salt and pepper and leave on the roof in strong sunlight for about 1 hour. Fry mackerel in lard. They only require half the usual frying time.




Samon coch

Tynnu ochrau’r samon oddi ar yr asgwrn. Halltu’r ochrau drwy rwbio halen arnynt nes yr oeddent yn galed. Hongian yr ochrau ar linyn o’r gledren yr hon a oedd yn rhedeg ar draws yr hen simdde fawr hyd nes iddynt gymryd y mwg. Roedd y gadwen, sef y gadwyn o’r hon yr hongid y tegell neu’r crochan hefyd ynghlwm wrth y gledren. Roedd yr ochrau samon yn galed ar ôl eu halltu a’u cochi yn y mwg a byddent yn cadw drwy’r gaeaf. Roedd yn rhaid eu socian drwy’r nos cyn eu bwyta er mwyn tynnu peth o’r halen allan ohonynt. Roedd modd eu ffrio neu eu berwi. Wedi’u berwi yr oeddent orau. Bwytawyd hwynt gyda thatws a saws persli.

Boliau samon / eog

Ffrio’r boliau, neu wyau eog mewn lard. Rhaid rhoi caead ar y badell ffrio er mwyn atal yr wyau rhag neidio allan ohoni. Bwytawyd hynt gyda brechdan fenyn neu gyda thatws, saws persli a phys.




Smoked salmon

Fillet the salmon. Salt the sides by rubbing salt into them until hard. Thread string through sides and hang from the rail that ran across old chimneys. Sides then smoked. After being salted and smoked the sides were firm and would keep through the winter. They had to be soaked throughout the night prior to cooking in order to remove some of the salt. They could then be fried or boiled. They were best boiled. They were eaten with potatoes and parsley sauce.

Salmon roe

Fry roe in lard. Place lid on frying pan to prevent eggs from jumping out. They were eaten with bread and butter or with potatoes, peas and parsley sauce.




Torri’r pen i ffwrdd, glanhau’r gemau oddi ar y croen. Agor y llysywen hir ar hyd ei bol er mwyn tynnu’r perfedd wedyn ei golchi. Rhoi halen arni a’i gadael dros nos. Ei thorri yn ddarnau ar ei thraws.


Ffrio’r darnau mewn lard. Mae lliw gwyrdd ar ei hesgyrn.


Llysywen hir / Garfish



Remove head and remove scales from skin. Slit through abdomen, remove intestines and then wash. Rub salt onto garfish and leave overnight. Cut into portions.


Fry portions in lard. The bones are a green colour.



Ceir y planhigyn corn carw môr neu sampier ar glogwyni uwchben y môr.

Roedd William Morris (1705 - 1763), un o Forusiaid Môn, yn gweld colled am gorn carw môr wedi ei biclo ar ôl marw ei wraig.

23 Gorffennaf 1750 - ysgrifennodd: mae yn fy mryd osod fy nith Marged ar waith i biclo rhai sampier neu gorn carw môr. The best of pickles for strengthening the stomach, procuring "appetite and removing all obstructions" medd y doethion.

Yn nechrau Awst 1750 ysgrifennodd at ei frawd, Richard, bod dau botyn o bicl sampier yn rhodd iddo ar fwrdd llong a oedd ar ei ffordd i Lundain.

Ysgrifennodd y trydydd brawd, Lewis Morris, "a well known Pickle grows here (Caergybi) in the Cliffs of the Sea Rocks; remarkable for this that it hardly grows where Men can come at it, without being let down in Ropes."

Corn Carw / Samphire


The rock samphire plant is found on sea cliffs.

William Morris (1705 - 1763), one of the Morris brothers of Anglesey, missed having pickled samphire after his wife's death.

23 July 1750, he wrote, "I feel like putting my niece Margaret to work pickling samphire. The best pickles for strengthening the stomach, procuring "appetite and removing all obstructions" according to the sages.

At the beginning of August 1750, he wrote to his brother Richard to say that a gift of two jars of pickled samphire for him were aboard a ship bound for London.

The third brother, Lewis Morris, wrote, "a well known Pickle grows here (Holyhead) in the Cliffs of Sea Rocks; remarkable for this that it hardly grows where Men can come at it, without being let down in Ropes.



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